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Lentils at Large


Lentils are a key source of protein for vegetarians. Throughout my time at uni, I have worried that I might be lacking in the nutritional areas. This is a hard task to keep on top alongside the uni lifestyle. Lentils actually hold a high value in the nutrition department as they contain so much which can be good for you.

Speaking to nutritionist, Sarah Brown, I learnt about the impact lentils really have:

"Lentils are an ideal choice for students and vegetarians alike due to their affordability, versatility, and impressive nutritional profile"
"For vegetarians and students, lentils offer a complete protein source which could be potentially low "

Below, I have attached an infographic. It explores the nutritional benefits of lentils on a deeper level.

Infographic created by me
Infographic created by me

Sarah Brown continued:

"Additionally, their iron and folate content makes lentils especially beneficial for vegetarians, addressing common nutrient concerns associated with plant-based diets "
"Incorporating lentils into meals provides a satisfying and nourishing option for students and vegetarians, supporting their overall health and well-being "

Lentil curry batch

For this lentil curry batch, I chose to include carrots and mushrooms as that was what I had in my fridge. Growing up, we constantly ate lentils, my mum would be making a batch weekly. They're so easy to make, freeze and reheat in the near future. No two lentil curries were ever the same when it came to my mum - they would always include different vegetables and ingredients, ranging from peppers to potatoes to cauliflower.

I began this process by shaving my carrots and chopping up all my vegetables. When making a lentil curry, the onion is a base ingredient to start it off. Once I had chopped my vegetables, I made sure to include ginger, chill and garlic to add a nice kick of flavour.

During this time, my lentils have been left to boil. I decided to use black lentils for this dish but from time to time I switch up. These curries can be completely interchangeable to your own taste buds.

Frying off the onion in some oil first, I added salt, cumin seeds, ground cumin, ground turmeric, chilli flakes and ground coriander.

Once the onion was softening nicely and the flavours began to seep in, I added my chopped ginger, chillies and garlic, letting it all fry off together. I made sure not to burn any component of this dish as it would leave an ashy taste.

I threw in my sliced mushrooms and circles of carrots, covering them in a bit more oil and spices to certify the flavours.

The final steps were to throw in the tins of chopped tomatoes, let it simmer through and then add your lentils. The pan process took just under 20 minutes, you need to be patient with your cooking and allow all the flavours to settle in before moving on or the dish won't reach its full potential.

As you'll see on the video I'll be attaching - I used an insane amount of lentils (measuring portion sizes is not my strong suit).

This dish can be enjoyed with rice, or as it is on its own. It is so easy to scoop out and put in tupperware boxes which you can bang in your freezer for another day!

Lentil Tacos

For my lentil tacos, I used the same lentil batch as before. The tacos were easy enough to make as I bought a premade Santa Maria Taco Kit.

All I had to do for this was place however many tacos I wanted into an oven dish, and chop some cheese.

I sliced up some mature cheddar as I felt this would melt nicely on top.

The balancing of the tacos in the oven dish was honestly the trickiest thing I have done when cooking, so I would recommend you had a helping hand if possible.

Simply, I spooned the lentils into the tacos, making sure not to overdo it as the bottom of the tacos would go soggy and fall through. I placed my sliced cheese carefully in and put them straight in the oven!

I preheated the oven to 200°C, only leaving them in for a maximum of 5 minutes for them to crisp.

This genuinely did not take more than 10 minutes to do, it was super easy!

Lentil Enchiladas

I did the exact same process for my enchiladas. Making it super simple.

Spoon some lentils onto a small tortilla wrap, roll and add cheese.

I decided to experiment with my wraps by rolling them in different shapes and adding cheese inside as well as on top.

I placed these in the oven for roughly 7 minutes at 200°C and enjoyed them with a garnish of basil!

Lentils are great for university students as you can make a variety of meals, they're also cost-effective and last a lengthy period of time! Don't worry about following a recipe exactly, just add what you enjoy!

Click here to watch!

Maia x

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